Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Baraka Movie

Baraka has put a very "moving" feeling.  It made me realize how big the world is, and it makes me wonder how nice it would be to go visit these places.  This movie showed so much art and I couldn't keep my eyes off of it.  It was pretty amazing to see all sorts of people showing how they do their jobs/living at home, which is really different from how we do things here.  It makes you realize how each one of us are different and unique in our own ways.  I really enjoyed this movie.  I wish I could have watched until it was over.

Friday, November 12, 2010

One Shot

This is my one shot.  It was hard to pick from three other pictures I took but I just picked randomly.  The top of the picture really bothers me since it isn't focused. But the bottom really is, and I guess it makes sense since it is still "new" to this world and that is where it first started to make an appearence.

Friday, November 5, 2010

November 4- Video Notes

  • Snapshot cameras were only $1.00
  • Most people didn't consider taking a picture was art- they though it was just clicking a button
    • Pictures soon became postcards
  • Taking pictures showed the history, a memory, etc
    • These pictures could be seen in a book ONLY if it was glued in the book, otherwise, there were no pictures in book (history books, etc)
  • Rayna Green talks about Edward Curtis 
    • Rayna says Edward was a "great photographer" because of what and how he took his unique pictures
      • Edward focused on Indians.
        • He really stressed the importance of them and showing them what their daily life is all about. (hunting groups, family, kids)
        • He even packed his car with some native outfits that were put on some on the Indians to make his shot more "native"
        • He showed how peaceful they were
  •  Photographs really prospered
    1. Postcards
    2. Newspaper
    3. Books
  • With Newspapers, they figured out a way to transfer the pictures on the newspaper that really helped spread news around the area.
    •  Lewis Hine was a photographer that really stressed about child labor and how it is bad.
      • his pictures were all over newspapers showing a perfect child, compared to a child working under poor conditions
  •  Paul Strand
    • Worked with shapes and forms with the way the sun hit things, and the angles on buildings, etc.
      • he liked realism compared to forming these shapes or making them
        • he influences others
  • Pictures were used in the World War I. 
    • it was used to show what is going on with the war
      • New papers and Magazines showed dead people or suffering for the first time.